Honey Lee
Once upon a time an angel child came whirling out of the heavens, grasping on to the arms and limbs of the celestial choir as she fell to earth. That angel child was imprisoned in a cage for years on end, communicating with the spirits above. After two decades, the angel child escaped from the cage and into the hands of those who’d seek to make her doll. The spirit inside of her shattered this image, it grew inside the womb of the china-doll exterior, and finally burst open to see the light.
And that..
is the legend of honey lee brown..
This gallery houses some of the most beautiful Gothic Women on the planet. Moreover, in addition to simply amazing visages, you will be allowed a glimpse into the minds and hearts of these gorgeous creatures. Feel free to visit their personal websites, but please be aware that they are for the most part, NOT part of the BDSM/Fetish Community so will likely not respond well to explicit fetish-oriented fan mail (in other words, be polite!)
Please Note: If you arrived at this page directly from a link from another site, please be aware that some of the images in this collection contain nudity and other adult-oriented material. If this offends you or you are under the age of 18, please go back now.