
Posted On: May 20, 2010
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My name is Angela, (most people call me sin) and I’m 23 years old. I’m a double Gemini and I’ve been told that I’m a self centered bitch. Aren’t all females?

The internet has been a pretty wild ride in the past four years that I’ve been dominantly present on it. I first became interested in graphic design when I was a few months pregnant with my daughter, Ambriel. I didn’t need to work, so while my husband played around with computers all day, I taught myself html and how to work a few graphic programs. After a few years, I decided that graphic design was something that I wanted to stick with and get better at. I was offered a domain and plenty of space, so I’ve gone through site after site trying to better myself and skills.

Aside from playing on the computer, I also draw, paint, and write poetry. I’ve put together an online book of what I’ve written in the past, for everyone to read, since I doubt I’ll be able to put it in actual book form for quite some time. As for everything else, I really don’t consider myself goth, but everyone else seems to label me as one. I can be just as mopey as the next person and I’m really not all that social of a person. I love my pvc and corsets, and have taken a liking to hair dye lately. I love going to the theatre, as well as art museums.


Dancing through the clouds
our bodies leave our soul
minds reach out for others
with the same distant goals.
Our lives intertwine
and paint a picture all it’s own 
our hearts
begin to beat as one
and faster then they’ve known.
Hand and hand we are dancing
soul to soul we are one
seeing the sky for the first time
their song has just begun.
Asking ourselves the question
as we’re floating above the
we don’t know why, but we know
 what it is everyone else sees.
We see a time of betrayal
we see a crime of disgust
we feel a lifetime
of anguish
and we do what we think is just.
-Angie Lehmkuhl


This gallery houses some of the most beautiful Gothic Women on the planet. Moreover, in addition to simply amazing visages, you will be allowed a glimpse into the minds and hearts of these gorgeous creatures. Feel free to visit their personal websites, but please be aware that they are for the most part, NOT part of the BDSM/Fetish Community so will likely not respond well to explicit fetish-oriented fan mail (in other words, be polite!)

Please Note: If you arrived at this page directly from a link from another site, please be aware that some of the images in this collection contain nudity and other adult-oriented material. If this offends you or you are under the age of 18, please go back now.

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