A Study In Dark Perfection

Sometimes in my wanderings through the net, I come across people who touch me in some unmistakeable way, to the point at which I feel compelled to contact them. To do something that will bring me a little bit closer to them, closer to who they are. A few days ago, I came upon Yendri on another feature site, and there was something about her that spoke to me. Upon visiting her personal corner of the web, I became enthralled with her. Her site isn't incredibly personal, and doesn't contain a lot of her writings. What got to me was her photography -- not the photography OF her (although, as you can see, she makes a stunning subject) -- but the photography BY her. There's not a lot I could say that would begin to do it justice (as I know virtually nothing of photography); all I can say is that it touched me in a part of my soul that I really wasn't sure even existed. Stunning work, this Yendri. I highly recommend you check out her site; I have a feeling she could tell a few stories if she chose to ...

-- Sia, Editor




Visit Yendri . . .

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